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Non Stick


Most companies use a variety of different hydrocarbon-based products like diesel fuel as a universal solvent and cleaner. nevrStick™ aerosol can eliminate the need to use harmful and hazardous materials.

Currently, companies have a few options open to them in resolving small applications, non-stick and lubricating issues across their organisations. nevrStick™ spray can enables the consumer to standardise specialty applications where small amounts of lubricating and non-stick formulation is needed to reduce build-up of asphalt, concrete, tar, snow, mud and coal.

Typical penetrant & lubricant Vs non-stick release agent & lubricant

Other products

Not an Australian Made licensee product Australia Made Licensee
Hydrocarbon Based Bio-Green Based
Flammable <50°C Non-Flammable >150°C
Toxic, Expose to harmful fumes All natural and non-toxic
Stick Issues – Across your organisation material “stick” increases life-cycle costs, and decreases productivity – from the lab to the plant, from the haul trucks to the pavers, rollers and other speciality equipment involved in the asphalt, concrete, mining and manufacturing industries. Stick Issues - nevrStick™ aerosol solves your organisations “stick” issues while providing a lubricating action to ensure your business continues to run smoothly. nevrStic™ non-stick release agent – Eliminate build-up from: Asphalt, Concrete Clay, mud & durt, Snow & ice, Bio-solids & compost
Lubricant  Lubricant
Prevents rust n corrosion  Prevents rust n corrosion
Its not a non-stick agent  The original non-stick agent
Penetrant  Non – penetrant
Expensive storage due to toxic and flammable issue  No storage cost and Flammable license required.
Does not work in extreme weather conditions.  Works in extreme weather conditions of -10°C to 50°C
Does not work on sticking & freezing caused by build-up Prevents build-up of materials caused by sticking & freezing.